It's a great improvement to Windows (XP at least), I sure hope the brains that gave us this, would give us a search function too - they must have the capability.Btw, the speed is good too. And the whole business took ~20 seconds? I was amazed.I use it, I like it, I definitely recommend it. Its a compact tool that can quickly copy or move.

I'd say it's a pretty smart and precise program. TeraCopy is a file-copying utility that offers more speed and security than Windows. checking dates for each individual file would cause, if not a headache, probably more severe mental damage?!I just copied a whole game, nothing illegal, I have the CDs, and out of more than 9,000 files only a couple hand fulls were copied - "older only".

Defragmentasi hard disk Anda dan optimalkan kecepatannya. Overview Certified What's New Similar to 4 One of the. I've been using TeraCopy 2.05 for some time now, and even if I haven't got to compare the speed with XP's copy / replace function, this friend certainly has a few functions I highly appreciate:Hitting a file with the same name, it gives you the possibility to rename, instead of a simple yes or no option I'm meddling a bit with game mods, and not once or twice have I been grateful for the option "Replace older files only" - a plain yes or no would simply not do and, as it may be several thousand files. Jadikan registry Windows berfungsi seperti hari pertama Anda membelinya. Downloads File Management TeraCopy 3.10 Copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, also providing you with a lot of features.