Orange-Glazed Grilled Acorn Squash Directions 4 acorn squash, halved lengthwise, seeds and membranes removed.Servings: 8 Orange-Glazed Grilled Acorn Squash Ingredients So use your grill to bring a little flare and pizzazz to your Thanksgiving table this season, and celebrate Thanksgiving on the Grill. Served warm, the squash melt in your mouth with the perfect balance of texture, sweetness, and spice. The squash is brushed with the glaze and finished on the grill over medium heat adding beautiful grill marks, deepening mesquite flavor, and caramelization of the glaze.

Meanwhile, the orange glaze is prepared by combining orange juice, brown sugar, allspice, and cinnamon. The acorn squash are first cut in half lengthwise, the seeds and membranes are removed, and they are baked in the oven to soften with butter, salt, and pepper. This recipe begins in the oven and finishes on the grill allowing added flexibility on a busy day of cooking with multiple dishes.
Baked acorn squash with orange juice series#
Next in our Thanksgiving on the Grill series is Orange-Glazed Grilled Acorn Squash, a buttery-sweet rendition of this hearty vegetable combining flavors of the season into a beautiful side dish. Thanksgiving is another wonderful opportunity to utilize the grill on a day when the indoor oven dominates the meal preparation. Here at Summerset Grills, we inspire our customers and readers to grill all year round, because there is nothing like great food roasted over open flame.